
  • The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Global Medical Physics Education and Training Committee (GMPETC) and Global Clinical Education and Training Committee (GCETC) are collaborating with Help Ukraine Group and the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physics (UAMP) to conduct an educational course for medical physicists in Ukraine to support them during the war. The course will…

  • AAPM/HUG/UAMP Medical Physics Training course is coming soon! Mixed format course will start with the CAMPEP approved theoretical virtual lectures, then will get complemented with practical virtual lectures and will culminate with the onsite training. Stay tuned for the announcements for more details and registration links. Please share with your medical physics colleagues in Ukraine!

  • Dear Ukrainian radiation oncologists and medical physicists, Help Ukraine Group is organizing observerships for radiation oncologists and medical physicists in USA based on UICC grant and institutional support. We have 10 observership positions open in the leading cancer centers in US: – 2 with 3 months duration, – 5 with 1 month duration, – 3…

  • Help Ukraine Group is grateful to RaySearch Laboratories for kindly donating 10 radiotherapy treatment planning stations to Ukraine (5 for clinical use and 5 for educational purposes). RayStation® is a flexible, innovative treatment planning system chosen by many of the leading cancer centers worldwide. It combines unique features like unmatched adaptive therapy capabilities, multi-criteria optimization,…

  • Our Stanford Radiation Oncology #StandWithUkraine lecture series is completed! Overall, 103 Ukrainian radiation oncologists, medical physicists and RTTs joined the lectures. Peak attendance per lecture was 120 attendees including Stanford faculty and staff. All Ukrainian cancer centers had participants in the lecture series. Lviv Regional Cancer Center had the most participants – 11 radiation oncologists and medical…

  • ESTRO is kindly providing funding for 2 radiation oncology specialists from Ukraine to register for the Foundations of Leadership in Radiation Oncology (FLiRO) course. This course has a strong international reputation, being offered by ESTRO-CARO-RANZCR. For more details click here WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? For Ukraine, the target group is anyone wanting to improve…