
  • HUG expresses gratitude to the Stanford Bone and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (BMT-CT) devision for welcoming Dr. Iryna Kriachok, a head of scientific and research department of chemotherapy of hemoblastoses at NCI, Kyiv. Stanford BMT-CT department has 52 beds dedicated to BMT and Cellular therapy. The program performs autologous and allogeneic transplants for over…

  • Dr. Nataliya Kovalchuk, our founder and president, has received a prestigious the Parliament of Ukraine Certificate of Merit for the Service to the People of Ukraine, highlighting HUG’s impactful humanitarian work. This honor reflects the heartfelt dedication and consistent support of our collective team, including our generous donors, collaborative partners, and selfless volunteers. “I am…

  • Help Ukraine Group welcomes a pediatric oncologist from National Cancer Institute in Kyiv – Dr. Kseniia Bolharina. Dr. Bolharina will spend one month with Stanford Pediatric Oncology to observe immunotherapy, CAR-T cell therapy, allogenic transplants and pediatric solid tumor treatments. Many thanks to Stanford Pediatric Oncology department for training and Stanford Global Scholars grant for…

  • Help Ukraine Group (HUG) had an honor and a pleasure to participate in welcoming a team of Ukrainian doctors from the Heart Institute in Kyiv who performed the first in Ukraine heart-lung transplant on October 25th, 2023. Five Ukrainian transplant specialists arrived to Stanford Heart-Lung and Lung Transplant department for 1 week observership 10/28/23-11/5/23: Dr….