Iryna Mykychak, MD, MPH

Dr. Mykychak is an advisor of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Director for the Coordination of Government Authorities of the Mental Health Coordination Center of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. From April 2017 to December 2019, following an open competition, she was appointed Director of the Health Care Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration. She ensured the leading participation of medical institutions in the Lviv region in the reform of the medical sector of Ukraine. Dr. Mykychak is a co-founder and coordinator of several successful international projects that cooperated with the World Bank, WHO, the United States Agency for International Development, UNICEF, and other projects in the perinatal care reform field, family medicine, cancer prevention, and public health. She is also the founder of the unique regional education program “School of a successful medical manager”. Dr. Mykychak was awarded the honorary title of Honored Doctor of Ukraine by the President of Ukraine (2007), the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2021), and the awards of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine (2022).