Christina Duzyj Buniak, MD, MPH

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, MGH; Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship Program
Dr. Buniak is a Ukrainian-American woman raised in the Detroit Ukrainian community. In the summer of 2002, she worked for the Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund in neonatal units across western Ukraine. This work prompted her interest in helping Ukrainian mothers who had delivered prematurely and led her to obtain a Public Health degree in global reproductive health and pursue a career in obstetrics. Dr. Buniak’s interest in joining the Heal Ukraine Group is in assisting the millions of displaced mothers from Ukraine who have enduring the bombing of maternity hospitals and delivered their babies in bomb shelters. Beyond this, as an American of Ukrainian descent, the current war in Ukraine has challenged her to seek a multi-faceted way to support Ukraine’s victory through medical support, fundraising and raising awareness of the Ukrainian cause.