Dr. Lesya Mytsak shares her UCI observership at the Prycarpathian Cancer Center medical conference

After her observership at the University of California, Irvine radiation oncology department, Dr. Mytsak educated her colleagues at the Prycarpathian Cancer Center medical conference.

She called to action to:
– embrace the fast adoption of clinical trial results into the clinic,
– place the patient in the center of the therapeutic process as an active rather than passive participant,
– consolidate the well-oiled team approach for streamlined and safer processes, and
– look towards the future of radiotherapy with decreasing treatment time and treatment fractions, decreasing irradiated volumes, thus, normal tissue toxicity using image guidance and adaptive technologies of IMRT/IGRT/SBRT.
All towards a desired result of a healthier, happier cancer patient.

“It was a very fruitful internship”, – concludes Lesya Mytsak, – “the acquired knowledge and acquired skills will help our radiology department to provide high-quality radiation treatment”.

Help Ukraine Group is proud of Dr. Mytsak’s achievements and will support her in her future endeavors of switching from Co-60 radiation therapy to linac-based IMRT.